
Google’s 200 Ranking Factors: The details List

Certainly! Below is a simplified version using simpler words and a different style:


Google’s search engine is like a secret recipe – they don’t tell us exactly how it works. But people who study it think they’ve figured out some important ingredients. Keep in mind, these are just educated guesses, not confirmed facts.

Good Stuff on Your Page:

Write about things people care about.

Make your content helpful and easy to understand.

Be original – copying isn’t cool.

Pick the Right Words:

Use words people might type into Google.

Put these words in the right places like titles and headings.

Links from Other Websites:

Get other websites to link to yours.

The more links, the better – especially if the other sites are popular or on the same topic.

Remember, Google changes its rules, so staying flexible is key!

User Experience:

When it comes to making your website shine in the eyes of search engines like Google, there are a bunch of things you should keep in mind. Let’s break it down into bite-sized pieces:


Page Load Speed:

Make sure your pages load faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer. Nobody likes to wait!


Your website should look as snazzy on mobiles as it does on big screens. Think pocket-sized glam.

User-Friendly Navigation:

Help visitors find what they want without turning into a detective. Clear menus and easy clicks are the key.

Technical SEO:

Use HTML tags like titles and headers wisely. It’s like labeling your boxes when moving – helps you find stuff faster.

Have a sitemap like a treasure map for search engines. And a robots.txt file is like telling spiders where not to crawl.

Site Structure:

Organize your site so that even your grandma could understand it. Neat and tidy is the way to go.

Link between pages like a friendly tour guide, guiding visitors from one cool spot to another.

Social Signals:

Be the popular kid on the block – be active on social media. Likes and shares are like applause for your content.

Domain Factors:

The longer your website has been around, the more street cred it gets. It’s like a fine wine; it gets better with age.

Commit to your domain – register it for the long haul. It shows you’re serious about this online thing.


Get that little padlock in the address bar – it’s like a VIP pass for your website. People trust the padlock.

Content Freshness:

Keep your content as fresh as a morning bagel. Regular updates tell search engines you’re alive and kicking.

Page Rank:

Remember the cool kids’ table in high school? Page Rank is like that, but for websites. Be the cool kid!

In a nutshell, make your website a speed demon, mobile-friendly masterpiece, and a joy to navigate. Throw in some tech-savvy tricks, organize it well, shout about it on social media, and keep it secure. Fresh content is your secret sauce, and a bit of age doesn’t hurt. With these, you’ll be the prom queen of the search engine dance!