What are the two necessary features of E-commerce?
User Interface (UI):
UI means how things look and feel on a phone or computer screen. It includes buttons, colors, fonts, and layouts that people see and interact with. UI designers make sure these things are easy to use, look nice, and work well. They want to create screens that are simple to understand and use, no matter the device you're using.
The main goals of UI design are:
Make it easy for people to use: UI designers want people to quickly figure out how to use a website or app without getting confused.
Keep things consistent: They make sure everything looks similar across the whole website or app so users don't get lost or confused.
Help everyone use it: UI designers make sure the design works for everyone, including people with different abilities.
Organize things neatly: They arrange everything on the screen so that it's easy for people to find what they need.
User Experience (UX):
UX is about how people feel when they use a website or app. It's not just about the look; it's about the whole experience. UX designers study how people use things and make sure the design works well for them.
The main goals of UX design are:
Understand the users: UX designers learn about the people who will use the website or app, what they want, and what might confuse them.
Test and make better: They create drafts of the design and ask people to try them out. Then they improve the design based on what people say.
Make it easy to find things: They organize the information on the website or app so that users can easily find what they're looking for.
Make it enjoyable: UX designers want people to have a good time using the website or app, so they design it to be fun and not frustrating.
In short, UI is about how things look and feel, while UX is about the overall experience people have when using a website or app. Both are important to make sure that websites and apps are easy to use, look good, and leave users happy.